American Boat Bench

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best american boat bench website

American Boat Bench came to Axxiem, as it was beginning to form into a company, with a request for help establishing everything needed to get the company up and running.

As usual, Axxiem started by learning more about the new company. Next, Axxiem offered step-by-step advice, developed a logo, created a sales brochure, set up their email and payment system, and designed a website to introduce their new product.


American Boat Bench portfolio image for desktop display.
American Boat Bench portfolio image for tablet display.
American Boat Bench portfolio image for mobile display

American Boat Bench was formed to offer boat convention visitors a comfortable way to remove their shoes before boarding a show boat. Made from durable and high-quality materials, along with optional custom embroidery, American Boat Bench offers boat companies a comfortable and convenient way to extend their brand's high-end luxuriousness to their customers.

Axxiem thoroughly enjoyed working on this project with American Boat Bench and is thrilled to hear them share their customers' positive feedback about their new website!
