Best Biotech Websites: Practices For Graphics And Animation

In today's digital era, a compelling website is crucial for biotech companies to showcase their innovative solutions. Graphics and animation play a vital role in engaging visitors and communicating complex scientific concepts effectively. This blog explores the best practices for incorporating graphics and animation to create visually stunning and informative biotech websites.

Balance Simplicity and Complexity:

Biotech websites often deal with intricate scientific concepts and technical information. When designing graphics and animations, it is essential to strike a balance between simplicity and complexity. Use clean and minimalist designs to prevent overwhelming visitors while conveying the necessary scientific depth. Focus on presenting information in an intuitive and easily understandable manner, ensuring that even non-experts can grasp the key messages.

Utilize Visual Storytelling:

Visual storytelling through graphics and animation is a powerful tool for engaging visitors and creating a memorable user experience. Biotech websites can leverage this approach to showcase their products, processes, and achievements effectively. Use animated infographics, interactive pipelines, and/or video presentations to guide visitors through your company's story and highlight key milestones. This technique helps convey complex scientific ideas in a visually appealing and easily digestible format.

Example from Axxiem client:
Example from Axxiem client:

Ensure Consistent Branding:

Consistency in branding is crucial for establishing a strong online presence. When incorporating graphics and animation, ensure they align with your brand's visual identity. Consistent color schemes, typography, and overall design elements create a cohesive experience for visitors. Strategically incorporate your logo and maintain a consistent style throughout the website to reinforce brand recognition and foster a professional image.

Optimize for Responsiveness:

In today's mobile-dominated world, optimizing graphics and animation for responsive design is vital. Biotech websites must provide a seamless experience across different devices and screen sizes. Ensure animations are lightweight, load quickly, and function smoothly on mobile platforms. Implement responsive design principles to adapt to varying screen sizes, optimizing user engagement and accessibility.


responsive web design example

Prioritize User Experience:

Graphics and animations should enhance the user experience rather than hinder it. Consider the target audience and their needs when designing biotech websites. Implement intuitive navigation, clear calls-to-action, and logical information flow. Avoid excessive or distracting animations that could confuse or frustrate visitors.

Accessibility and Compliant Design:

Ensuring accessibility is an ethical and legal obligation for biotech websites. Graphics and animations must be designed with accessibility guidelines in mind. Provide alternative text descriptions for images, use high contrast colors, and make animations and interactive elements keyboard accessible. Complying with accessibility standards guarantees that all visitors, regardless of disabilities, can access and understand the content effectively.

Incorporating well-designed graphics and animations on biotech websites can greatly enhance user engagement, effectively communicate scientific concepts, and create a lasting impression. By following the best practices discussed in this blog, biotech companies can create visually appealing and informative websites that leave a positive impact on visitors, fostering their interest and trust in the company's innovations and breakthroughs.